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Michael Dialogues with Plato

Socrates: I do see, my dear Ion, and I'm going to show you what I think that means. Really, as I said just now, this is no art in you to speak well about Homer. No, some divine power is moving you, such as there is in that stone which Euripides called the Magnesian, but most people call it the Heracleian stone. This magnet attracts iron  rings, and not only that, but puts the same power into the iron rings, so that they can do the same as the stone does; they attract other rings so that sometimes there is a whole long string of these rings hanging together, and all depend for their power on that one stone.

Michael B.: In Gospel Music, Jesus is our Magnetic stone, which infuses power through the singer, songwriter, & musician, which both empowers and unites its listeners. The stone that the builders rejected is the Chief Cornerstone to aesthetic symphony.

Socrates: Here most of all, I think God has shown us, beyond all dispute, that these beautiful poems are not human, not made by man, but divine and made by God. And the poets are nothing but the gods interpreters, possessed each by whatever god it may be.  Just to prove this, God purposely sang the most beautiful of songs through the meanest of poets. Don't you think I speak the truth Dear Ion.

Michael B.: Tis True!  An axiomatic fact, God's Beauty, as shown in poetry and music, cannot be altered or hindered by the worse of God’s creation.  But, the wonderful essence of His Psaltry, is immutably, universally, and immeasurably the Accolades of His Worthiness. Greatest example
Is seen in the life of the heavenly choral director, Lucifer.

(An interaction with Plato's "Ion")


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